Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Important Questions in Chemistry for TNPSC

Important Questions in Chemistry for TNPSC

1.Which one of the following is the rare gas
  1. di atomic
  2. mono atomic
  3. tetra atomic
  4. both 2 & 3
Answer : 1

2.Acidic rain is produced by
  1. carbon monoxide
  2. silver nitrate
  3. benzole
  4. silver iodide
Answer : 3

3.Name an organic compound that used to produce a bluish green colour flame on heating in presence of copper is
  1. benzoic acid
  2.  chlorobenzene
  3.  benzaldehyde
  4.  aniline
Answer: 2

4. Aquq - regia is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in the ratio of
  1. 3:1
  2. 2:5
  3. 1:6
  4. 3:2
Answer: 1

 5.Who among the following discovered Neon
  1. Rayleigh
  2. Lockyear
  3. Ramsay and Travers
  4. Janssen
Answer: 3

6.What kind of behavior  can be expected if a transition metal ion exists in its highest oxidation state
  1. an oxidising agent
  2. reducing agent
  3. chelating agent
  4. both 2 & 3
Answer: 1

7.The catalyst used for the Decon's process for the manufacture of chlorine is
  1. concentrated hydrochloric acid
  2. Cupric chloride
  3. Nickel
  4. Invertase enzyme
Answer: 2

8. Name the type of colloid inface cream
  1. emulsion
  2. foam
  3. gel
  4. all of the above
Answer: 1

9. Among the following which one minamata disease is caused by Cadmium?
  1. cancer
  2. itai-itai diseases
  3. minamato diseases
  4. both 2 & 3
Answer: 2

10. What are the monomers for the polymer Melmac?
  1. phenol+ formaldehyde
  2. urea +  formaldehyde
  3. ethene + formaldehyde
  4. melamine + formaldehyde
Answer: 4

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