Friday, April 10, 2015

Important Questions for Competitive Exams

1. Up to which level of the OSI layer a gateway can function
  1. session layer
  2. transport layer
  3. data link layer
  4. application layer

2.  Which one of the following  tag is used to create a hyperlink relationship with the current documents and another URL
  1. <A>
  2. <LINK>
  3. <LINKURL>
  4. <ISINDEX>

3.Find out the number of tokens in the C statement :  printf("i=%d;&i=%X",i,&i)
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 26

4.Recursive procedures are implemented by
  1. stacks
  2. queues
  3. strings
  4. all of the above

5.MACRO is usually recommended to
  1. deal with the situation where a function is called in many places in a program
  2. minimize the linking error
  3. minimize the execution time
  4. both (2) & (3)

6.We need fetch register for
  1. file protection
  2. memory protection
  3. CPU protection
  4. speedy execution

7. Disk scheduling decides
  1. which disk should be accessed next
  2. physical location of the files in disk
  3. order in which disk access request must be serviced
  4. all of the above
Answer: (3)

8.We can use magnetic tapes as
  1. input media
  2. output media
  3. both (1) & (2)
  4. only(2)

9.The main purpose of using 'Dirty Bit' is to show 
  1. modified page  after loaded in the cache memory
  2. page that frequently accessed
  3. page that is not frequently accessed
  4. both (1) & (2)

10.Which of the following is used by parallel printers
  1. handshake mode
  2. centronics interface
  3. all of the above
  4. none of the above

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