Monday, April 20, 2015

Important Questions for Competitive Exams

1. Which one of the following will not be available in Process Control Block?
  1. Parent process ID
  2. Process ID
  3. User ID
  4. One-time password and ID
2. What is malicious code?
  1. It is a rogue program code that makes unauthorised changes to computer systems.
  2. It is that set of program code that makes accidental threats to be handled by computer systems.
  3. It is that set of program code that  monitors the on-line activities without the user permission to capture personal information
  4. Both 2 & 3
3. "Security is defined as the ability of the computer system to ensure the following"-
  1. to ensure that the information is not accessed by unauthorised person.
  2. to ensure that the information is not altered by unauthorised person.
  3. to ensure the identity of the valid user.
  4. All of the above
4.RAID stands for
  1. Rapid Access from Inexpensive Disks
  2. Rapid Access of Inexpensive Disks
  3. Redundant Access from Independent Disks
  4. Redundant Array of  Independent Disks
5.Which one of the following is the storage capacity of a disk formula?
  1. Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks * free space per sector
  2. Capacity=number of cylinders * tracks per cylinder * sector per tracks * bytes per sector
  3. Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks 
  4. Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks *bytes per sector
1.Answer(1): 4
2.Answer(2): 1
3.Answer(3): 4
4.Answer(4): 4
5.Answer(5): 2

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