1. Which one of the following will not be available in Process Control Block?
5.Which one of the following is the storage capacity of a disk formula?
1.Answer(1): 4
2.Answer(2): 1
3.Answer(3): 4
4.Answer(4): 4
5.Answer(5): 2
- Parent process ID
- Process ID
- User ID
- One-time password and ID
- It is a rogue program code that makes unauthorised changes to computer systems.
- It is that set of program code that makes accidental threats to be handled by computer systems.
- It is that set of program code that monitors the on-line activities without the user permission to capture personal information
- Both 2 & 3
- to ensure that the information is not accessed by unauthorised person.
- to ensure that the information is not altered by unauthorised person.
- to ensure the identity of the valid user.
- All of the above
4.RAID stands for
- Rapid Access from Inexpensive Disks
- Rapid Access of Inexpensive Disks
- Redundant Access from Independent Disks
- Redundant Array of Independent Disks
- Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks * free space per sector
- Capacity=number of cylinders * tracks per cylinder * sector per tracks * bytes per sector
- Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks
- Capacity=number of cylinders * sector per tracks *bytes per sector
1.Answer(1): 4
2.Answer(2): 1
3.Answer(3): 4
4.Answer(4): 4
5.Answer(5): 2
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Important Questions for Competitive Exams
TNPSC Master
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