1.Fertilizer Corporation of India is located at
- Talchar
- Sindri
- Ramagundam
- all of the above
2. Sling Psychrometer is used to measure
- temperature
- wind velocity
- humidity
- dew point
3. Which of the following is concerned with Farrel's Law
- direction of the winds
- velocity of the winds
- snowfalls
- fog
4. Continent at a greatest risk of desertification is
- Asia
- South America
- Africa
- None of the following
5. Which factor is related to Kyoto Protocol:
- climate change
- humidity
- green house gasses
- nuclear energy
6. The term " Cirrus" is
- a tsunami
- a high cloud
- a tornado
- a low cloud
7. The highest salinity area is
- Red Sea
- Bay of Bengal
- North Pacific
- none of the above
8. What is caused by the term " Neap tides"
- lower high tides
- extreme high tides
- extreme low tides
- both (2) & (3)
9. Which cold current flows near the "Cape of Good Hope"
- Falkland current
- Guinea current
- Benguela
- West Wind Drift
10. The biosphere reserve of India "Dehang -Dibang" is located at
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Assam
- Sikkim
- Orissa
Answer(1) : 4
Answer(2) : 3
Answer(3) : 1
Answer(4) : 3
Answer(5) : 1
Answer(6) : 2
Answer(7) : 1
Answer(8) : 1
Answer(9) : 3
Answer(10) : 1
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Important Questions for Competitive Exams
TNPSC Master
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