Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Important Questions for Competitive Exams

1.Fertilizer Corporation  of India   is located at
  1. Talchar
  2. Sindri
  3. Ramagundam
  4. all of the above
2. Sling Psychrometer is used to measure 
  1. temperature
  2. wind velocity
  3. humidity
  4. dew point
3. Which of the following is concerned with Farrel's Law
  1. direction of the winds
  2. velocity of the winds
  3. snowfalls
  4. fog
4. Continent at a greatest risk of desertification is
  1. Asia
  2. South America
  3. Africa
  4. None of the following
5. Which factor is related to Kyoto Protocol:
  1. climate change
  2. humidity
  3. green house gasses
  4. nuclear energy
6. The term " Cirrus" is
  1. a tsunami
  2. a high cloud
  3. a tornado
  4. a low cloud
7. The highest salinity area is
  1. Red Sea
  2. Bay of Bengal
  3. North Pacific
  4. none of the above
8. What is caused by the term " Neap tides"
  1. lower high tides
  2. extreme high tides
  3. extreme low tides
  4. both (2) & (3)
9. Which cold current flows near the "Cape of Good Hope"
  1. Falkland current
  2. Guinea current
  3. Benguela
  4. West Wind Drift
10. The biosphere reserve of India "Dehang -Dibang"  is located at
  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Assam
  3. Sikkim
  4. Orissa
Answer(1) : 4
Answer(2) : 3
Answer(3) : 1
Answer(4) : 3
Answer(5) : 1
Answer(6) : 2
Answer(7) : 1
Answer(8) : 1
Answer(9) : 3
Answer(10) : 1

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