Saturday, April 11, 2015

Important Question for Competitive Exams

1. When did the first edition of 'Encyclopedia Britannica' appeared
  1. 1967
  2. 1845
  3. 1752
  4. 1768
Answer:  (4)

2.Which of the following stands for METS 
  1. Machine Encoded for Textual Standards
  2. Metadata Encoded Transmission Standards
  3. Machine Encoded Transmission Standards
  4. Metadata Encoded for Textual Standards
Answer: (2)

3. Who among the following were involved in Public Library Movement in India
  1. S R Ranganathan
  2. Sayaji Rao Gaekwad
  3. Both (1) & (2)
  4. S Radhakrishnan
Answer: (3)

4.Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation is located at
  1. Delhi
  2. Lucknow
  3. Mumbai
  4. Bangalore
Answer: (3)

5.Which of the following is the ' Open Source Content Management Systems'
  1. Joomla
  2. Atex
  3. Orcas
  4. both (2) & (3)
Answer: (1)

6.Basically the term Lexicography is related to
  1. compilation of E-Journals
  2. compilation of Dictionaries
  3. compilation of Hand Books
  4. compilation of Encyclopedia
Answer: (2)

7.Who published the ' Current Biography'
  1. H W Wilson
  2. S P Sen
  3. M Dekker
  4. none of the above
Answer: (1)

8.BSO stands for
  1. Biographic Subject Organisation
  2. Board of Subject Ordering
  3. Broad Subject Ordering
  4. Bibliographic of Subject Organisation
Answer: (3)

9.Perpetual access is
  1. access to back volumes of e-journals
  2. process of uploading new e-journals
  3. both of the above
  4. none of the above
Answer: (1)

10. From which one of the following language the word 'Vocabulary' is derived
  1. Latin
  2. Greek
  3. French
  4. None of the above
Answer: (1)

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