Friday, May 1, 2015

GROUP II Model Question TNPSC

1.Who was the President of the State Reorganisation Committe?
a.Fazl Ali
c.Mohammed Ali
d.Pandit Hirdayanath Kunjru

2. Article 32 deals with what in Indian Constitution?
a.Right to Equality
b.Right to Property
c.Right to Freedom
d.Right to Constitutional Remedies

3.Under which Article of the Constitution did the Government of the India introduce Bharat Ratna and Padma Shri Awards?
a.Article 15
b.Article 18
c.Article 132
d.Article 25

4.When did the communist party of India take split?

5.Which one of the following its wrong matching
a.Rice for Rs.1 - C.N.Annadurai
b.Noon meal - K.Kamaraj
c.Tamil Thai Vazhthu - M.G.Ramachandran
d.Cradle baby Scheme - J.Jayalalitha

6.Which of the following statement is correct?
a.The first part of kautilya's Arthasastra tells about war and diplomacy
b.The Indika written by Megasthanes gives details about the Kalinga war
c.Asoka's edicts provide information on the decline of the Mauriyan empire
d.Visakadatta's Mudrarakshasa was written is the style of drama

7.Which one of the following its wrong matching?
a.Swami Ram Tirath - Alif
b.Chittaranjan Das - Forward
c.Lala Lajpat Rai - Punjabi
d.Annie Besant - Indian

8.Find the correct Answer.While mentioning about her role in Sepoy Mutiny, Russel said ' She has excited all Outh' Who is she?
a.Rani of Ramgarh
b.Rani Lakshibai
c.Begum Hazrat Mahal
d.Tani Tacebai

9.Which one of the following cities was most extensive in area?

10.which ecological pyramid is never inverted?
a.Biomass pyramid
b.Energy pyramid
c.Animal pyramid
d.Number pyramid

Answer Key
  1. Answer: a
  2. Answer: d
  3. Answer: b
  4. Answer: b
  5. Answer: c
  6. Answer: d
  7. Answer: d
  8. Answer: a
  9. Answer: a
  10. Answer: b

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