Diamond Harbour Women’s University
c/o Fakir Chand College
Diamond Harbour, South 24 Parganas
Pin: 743331, West Bengal
Employment Notification no.DHWU/02/NT/2015 Date: 10 April 2015
Name of the Post:
- Assistant Librarian - 02 (UR-1,SC-1)
- Junior Superindent - 01 (UR-1)
- Cashier - 01(UR-1)
- Junior Assistant - 06 (UR-3,SC-1,ST-01,OBC-01)
- Assistant Librarian - Rs.9000-28300 + Grade Pay 4400
- Junior Superindent - Rs.9000-28300 + Grade Pay 4400
- Cashier - Rs.9000-28300 + Grade Pay 4400
- Junior Assistant - Rs.7200-25400 + Grade Pay 3300
- Assistant Librarian - Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information Science/Bachelor degree in any decipline plus B LibSc/BLISc from a recognized university with at least 45% mark
- Junior Superindent - B.Com from a recognized university with at least 45% marks.
- Cashier - Bachelor’s Degree in commerce or allied field from a recognized University with at least 45% marks.
- Junior Assistant - Passed Higher Secondary or equivalent examination (10+2).
Application Fee: Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST/PWD Candidates)
How to Apply: Application must be on prescribed application form available on the university
For More details please see the following Website Link
1. Institute Website Link: http://dhwu.ac.in/
2. Advertisment PDF Link: http://dhwu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Employment_notification_for_Non-teaching_staff.pdf
3. Detiail Information PDF Link: http://rgniyd.gov.in/sites/default/files/pdfs/advt_prof/ar/ar_instruction.pdf
4. Application Form PDF Link: http://dhwu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Corrigendum_to_Application_form_for_Non-teaching_Staff.pdf
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Diamond Harbour Women’s University Invited for the Post of Assistant Librarian
TNPSC Master
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