(An Institute Deemed to be University U/S 3 of UGC Act 1956)
An Autonomous Organisation fully funded by Dept. of Defence Research & Development,
MOD, Government of India,
Girinagar, Pune - 411 025.
Advt.No.01/FP/2015 Date:25.04.2015
Last Date: 30.05.2015
Name of the Post:Assistant Professor
Number of Post: 07
Reservation: UR-02,OBC-03,ST-01,SC-01
Required Department:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Technology Management
Scale of Pay: Rs.15600-39100 + AGP 6,000/-
Age Limit: 40 Years
Educational Qualification: Ph.D.Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the appropriate branch of Engineering or Technology and relevant experience of 5 years in teaching, research and or industry at the level of Lecturer or Assistant Professor or equivalent grade,excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree
Mode of Posting:Regular
Application Fee: Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Vice Chancellor, D.I.A.T.(DU), PUNE, payable at State Bank of India, Girinagar Branch (Code 02155),PUNE
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible should be downloaded the Application form and submit filled form along with all related documents to the following Address.
Deputy Registrar (Admin)
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (A Deemed to be University),
Pune - 411025
For More Details:For more details relating age, qualification, experience please visit to following Website.
1.Official Website Link: http://diat.ac.in/
2.Advertisement Link:
3.Application Form PDF Link:,%20Advt%20No.%2002-2015%28FNTS-DIAT%28DU%29%29.pdf
Age Limit: 40 Years
Educational Qualification: Ph.D.Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the appropriate branch of Engineering or Technology and relevant experience of 5 years in teaching, research and or industry at the level of Lecturer or Assistant Professor or equivalent grade,excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree
Application Fee: Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Vice Chancellor, D.I.A.T.(DU), PUNE, payable at State Bank of India, Girinagar Branch (Code 02155),PUNE
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible should be downloaded the Application form and submit filled form along with all related documents to the following Address.
Deputy Registrar (Admin)
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (A Deemed to be University),
Pune - 411025
For More Details:For more details relating age, qualification, experience please visit to following Website.
1.Official Website Link: http://diat.ac.in/
2.Advertisement Link:
3.Application Form PDF Link:,%20Advt%20No.%2002-2015%28FNTS-DIAT%28DU%29%29.pdf
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DEFENCE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Invited for the 07 Post of Assistant Professor in the Rs.15600-39100 + AGP 6,000/-Recruitment 2015
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : DEFENCE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Invited for the 07 Post of Assistant Professor in the Rs.15600-39100 + AGP 6,000/-Recruitment 2015