Saturday, April 25, 2015

CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Invited for the post of Project Assistant on Temporal basis with Rs.22000/- + HRA 20% stipend

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology



Name of the post and No. of Post:  Project Assistant (Gr.IV)-02

Ph.D (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Science, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Biotechnology)

Stipend : Rs.22000/- + HRA 20%

Age: 32 years

Age Relaxation : As per the Govt. of India / CSIR rules.

Date of Walk-In- interview : 27.04.2015 

Time of Walk-In- interview : 9.00 AM 

Recruitment: Temporal

CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology

How to apply:
  1. The Eligible and interested candidates for the  post of Project Assistant (Gr.IV) may download the application form from the given below  website.
  2. Filled in application must be submitted at the time of walk-in-interview.
  3. The application form should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate in support of age, educational qualification, experience and caste mentioned in the application. 
  4. The candidate must bring all the original certificates for verification. 
For more details:
Eligible and interested candidates may go through the following website
1.Official website:
2.Advertisement and Application format PDF Link: 

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CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Invited for the post of Project Assistant on Temporal basis with Rs.22000/- + HRA 20% stipend
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