Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology
Name of the post and No. of Post: Project Assistant (Gr.IV)-02
Ph.D (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Science, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Biotechnology)
Stipend : Rs.22000/- + HRA 20%
Age: 32 years
Age Relaxation : As per the Govt. of India / CSIR rules.
Date of Walk-In- interview : 27.04.2015
Time of Walk-In- interview : 9.00 AM
Recruitment: Temporal
CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology
How to apply:
- The Eligible and interested candidates for the post of Project Assistant (Gr.IV) may download the application form from the given below website.
- Filled in application must be submitted at the time of walk-in-interview.
- The application form should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate in support of age, educational qualification, experience and caste mentioned in the application.
- The candidate must bring all the original certificates for verification.
Eligible and interested candidates may go through the following website
1.Official website:
2.Advertisement and Application format PDF Link:
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CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Invited for the post of Project Assistant on Temporal basis with Rs.22000/- + HRA 20% stipend
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : CSIR - National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science And Technology Invited for the post of Project Assistant on Temporal basis with Rs.22000/- + HRA 20% stipend