Head Office, T.V.K.Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.
Special Recruitment for ST Candidates Only
Name of the Post: Librarian Gr.III
Scale of Pay: Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2000/-.
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university with Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science or Master’s degree in Library and Information Science along with Typing or PC Operation skills and having minimum 2 years relevant Post-qualification experience.
Age Limit: 28 years
How to Apply:Interested candidates should be downloaded the application form and filled form submit to the following address.
The Chief Manager(P&A),
CIPET Head Office,
T.V.K.Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032,
(Note: In this Post on contract for a period of one year. On successful completion of the contract period, the candidate will be engaged “on Probation” for a period of one year. After successful completion of probation, the candidate will be confirmed in the services of CIPET, based on the need of the Institute.)
Last Date: 29.05.2015.
For More Detail:
Notification: http://cipet.gov.in/opportunities/77/Advertisement%20ST%20April%202015.pdf
Qualification Details: http://cipet.gov.in/opportunities/77/Qualification%20&%20Experience%20(ST).pdf
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CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF PLASTICS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Invited for the Post of Librarian Gr.III, Technical Officer, Accounts/Administrative Officer,Technician
TNPSC Master
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0 comments : CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF PLASTICS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Invited for the Post of Librarian Gr.III, Technical Officer, Accounts/Administrative Officer,Technician