Friday, April 10, 2015

Central Electrochemical Research Institute Invited for Walk-in-Interview - Apprentices Trainining

Central Electrochemical Research Institute
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Karaikudi - 630 006

Notification No.APP-04/2015

Walk-in-Interview for Apprentices Trainining

Name of the Post: 
  1. Turner - 02
  2. Electrician - 01
  3. Wireman - 03
  4. Electronic Mechanic - 01
  5. Ref. & AC - 03
  6. Plumber - 02
  7. PASAA - 07
  8. Horticulture Assistant - 01
Total No. of Post:20+1 One position (Supernumerary) will be filled from any of the trades.

Age Limit: Minimum 14

Date of Interview: 22.04.2015

Place of Interview:
Central Electrochemical Research Institute, 
Karaikudi– 630 006
Tamil Nadu.

How to Apply : Interested and Eligible Candidates may appear for a walk-in-interview with all original & attested copies of certificates of qualifications ( NCVT Certificate) and duly filled-in application format.

For more information, Educational Qualification and Age limit, Experience  general instruction and other related details are available at the following link given below:
1. Institute website Link:

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