Anna University, Chennai ‐ 600 025
Tamil Nadu
Admission open for for Non - Resident Indian
Undergraduate Degree Programmes in Academic Year 2015 -2016
UG Programmes for B.E / B.Tech Degree Four Year Programmes
Admission Requirments for NRI Students
How to Apply:
- If the candidate wishes to apply for both CIWGC and NRI Categories, separate applications should be filed.
- The application form will be released through the Anna University website in the first week of May 2015
- Candidates must have passed the qualifying examination, (10 + 2) of Indian System or its equivalent (completed 12 years of school education).
- Candidates must have studied in English medium or should have proficiency in English language.
- The candidate should have passed in all the subjects and scored a minimum average of 50 percentage in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
- A Bank Draft for US $ 200 drawn in favour of the Director, Centre for International Affairs, Anna University, Chennai payable at New York drawn from any Nationalised
- Banks of India or other International Banks with branches in India should be submitted along with the application.
- The Demand Draft must have routing number, seal and signature of the authorised official.
The Director,
Centre for Admissions,
Anna University,
Chennai-600 025,
Tamil Nadu,
Last date: Will be given in the Application form.
For more details like educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below.
1. Anna University Website Link:
2. Advertisement for Admission PDF Link :
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Anna University Admission Open for NRI Students
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