Tuesday, March 17, 2015

National Institute of Rock Mechanics Invited for the Post of Scientist

National Institute of Rock Mechanics
Champion Reefs, Kolar gold Fields - 563 117

Notification No.Advt/01/2014-2015   Dated on:24.02.2015

Name of the Post and No. of Vacancy
  1. Scientist I:- 02 (UR-1 & OBC-1)
  2. Scientist Assistant I:- 06 (UR-4, OBC-1 & ST-1)
  3. Technical I:- 02 (UR-2)
  4. Finance & Accounts Officer:- 01 (UR-1)
Scale of Pay and Age Limit  (as on 01.05.015)
  1. Scientist I:- Rs.15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400 (Pay Band-3) -28 years
  2. Scietist Assistant I:- Rs.5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400 (Pay Band-1) -28 years
  3. Technical I:- Rs.5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay Rs.1900 (Pay Band-1) -28 years
  4. Finance & Accounts Officer:- Rs.15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400 (Pay Band-3) -45 years
Educational Qualifcation
1. Scietist I:- Degree in Mining Engineering with Firs class
2. Scietist Assistant I:- B.Sc  or Diploma in Mining or Mechanical Engineering or Electronics Instrumentation or Technology of three years full time duration
3. Technical I:- S.S.L.C with ITI Trade Certificate
4.Finance & Accounts Officer:- Must be a Graduate with ACA or ICWA or SAS qualification.

Application Fee: 
1. Rs.200/ for Sl.No.1 and 4, Rs.100/ for Sl.No.2 and 3. DD should be drawn favour of National Institute of Rock Mechanics  payable on following bank and branch
  1. State Bank of India (Dooravaninagar Branch) 
  2. State Bank of Mysore (KGF Branch) 
  3. Corporation Bank (Andersonpet Branch) 
  4. Canara Bank (Robertsonpet or KGF Branch)
  5. Syndicate Bank (Robertsonpet or KGF Branch)
  6. Karur Vysya Bank, (Robertsonpet or KGF Branch)
2. No fee  for SC/ST Candidates

Last Date: 30.04.2015

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should be downloaded the application form from the website link and send to the following address:
National Institute of Rock Mechanics
Champion Reefs, Kolar gold Fields - 563 117.

For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below:
1. National Institute of Rock Mechanics Website Link: http://nirm.in/Main.htm
2. Advertisement PDF Link: http://nirm.in/pages/ADVT_2015.pdf
3. Application PDF Link: http://nirm.in/pages/Application%20form.pdf

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