Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lecturer Post in Hindustan College of Arts & Science

Hindustan College of Arts & Science
Padur, Kelambakkam - 603 103.
Chennai - 603 103.

Faculty Position in Lecturers in following Departments
  1. Computer Science
  2. Mathematics
  3. Statistics
  4. Electronics and Communication Science
  5. Microbiology
  6. Biotechnology
  7. Commerce
  8. Electronic Media
  9. Visual communication
  10. Social Work
  11. English
  12. Hindi
  13. French
  14. Malayalam
  15. Library Science
  16. Physical Education
Qualification: Ph.D or NET or SET/SLET

Salary: Rs.22000 per month

Non Teaching Post 
  1. System Administrator
  2. Hardware Technician for Multimedia Lab
  3. Lab Assistant for Computer Science
  4. Typist
  5. Hostel Warden(For Men)
Last Date: within 10 days (From date of publication 15.03.2015)

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates should be prepared the resume in prescribed format and sent to the following address.
The Principal,
Hindustan College of Arts & Science,
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR),
Padur, Kelambakkam,
Chennai - 603 103.

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