Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Faculty Position at Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology

Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
Castle Hills, Road No.1, Masab Tank, 
Hyderabad-500 057.

Recruitment for Faculty Position

Name of the Post 
  1. Associate Professor
  2. Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification
1. Candidates for all positions must have a Ph.D in Computer Science or Information Technology /
Information Systems or Information Security or Banking Technologies or Closely Related Areas with a first class or
2. Equivalent at the preceding degree in an appropriate branch with a consistently good academic record throughout.

Specialization area
  1. Computing Technologies and Architecture 
  2. Information Science & Engineering 
  3. Software Engineering a
  4. Database Systems 
  5. Network Systems 
  6. Information Assurance 
  7. Cyber Security 
  8. Electronic Payment and  Settlement Systems 
  9. Big Data, Social Networks and Analytics 
  10. Other Closely Related Areas
Mode of Posting
  1. Regular
  2. Contract
  3. Sabbatical
  4. Adjunct/Visiting Faculty
Scale of Pay
  1. Associate Professor: Rs.37,400-67,000 + AGP 9,500 (Pay Band 4)
  2. Assistant Professor: Rs.15,600-39,100 + AGP 8,000 (Pay Band 3)
  3. Assistant Professor(on Contract): Rs.15,600-39,100 + AGP 6,000 (Pay Band 3)
Age limit: 50 Year 

Last Date:31.03.2015

How to Apply
Candidates can downloaded the Application form from the Institute website and filled application form may be sent to by post to the following address or sent to email:
The Director,
IDRBT, Castle Hills,
Road No.1, Masab Tank,
Hyderabad – 57

For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below.
1. Institute website link:
2. Advertisement Pdf link:
2. Application form Pdf Link:

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