Government of India
Office of the Principal
Chief Commissioner of Income-Tax, Tamil Nadu
Aayakar Bhavan, 121, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Sports Quota Recruitment- 2014-2015
Name of the Post:
- Inspector of Income Tax- 7
- Tax Assistant- 20
- Multi Tasking Staff- 10
- Athletics: Men-4 and Women-4
- Basket Ball: Men- 3
- Body Building: Men – 1
- Cricket: Men- 3
- Foot Ball: Men- 4
- Hockey: Men- 4
- Kabaddi:Men- 4
- Shuttle Badminton:Men- 2 and Women- 2
- Table Tennis: Men- 1 and women- 1
- Tennis Men- 2
- Vollyball Men- 2
Scale of Pay
- Inspector of Income Tax- Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4600
- Tax Assistant- Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay 2400
- Multi Tasking Staff- Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay 1800
Last Date of Submission: 06.04.2015
How to apply:
The Interested and Eligible sports candidates can apply in online mode through the Institute website link.
For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below.
1. Institute Website Link:
2. Advertisement Link:
3. Advertisement PDF Link:
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Chief Commissioner of Income-Tax, Tamil Nadu Invited for the Post of Inspector of Income Tax
TNPSC Master
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