Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fitter Post at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Kalpakkam

Government of India 
Department of Atomic Energy 
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Facilities 
Nuclear Recycle Board - Kalpakkam

Advertisement No. 01/2015

Only for SC and OBC candidates for selection of Cat-II Stipendiary Trainees 

Name of the Post and No. of  Vacancies 
  1. Plant Operation - 25 
  2. Laboratory  - 03
  3. Basic Science - 02
  4. Fitter - 07
  5. Electrical - 02
  6. Electronics - 02
Total Vacancy: 41 (SC- 13, OBC- 28)

Age Limit: as on 23/02/2015

1. For SC Candidates:18 to 27
2. For OBC Candidates: 18 to 25

Training Period: 2 years.

Stipend Salary: First Year:Rs.6200/-p.m and Second Year:Rs.7200/-

Important Note: 
Upon successful completion of training of two years, the trainees will be considered following Post.
  1. Technician/C: Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay 2400 (Pay Band Rs.7510) 
  2. Technician/B: Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay 2000 (Pay Band Rs.6460)
How to Apply:
Application format attached here and should be submitted to the following Address:

Administration Officer-III,
NRB, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Facilities
Kalpakkam - 603 102.

Last Date: 23.03.2015 (First last date mentioned 23.02.2015 but now extended to 23.03.215)

For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below.
1. Institute website link:
2. Advertisement and Application Link:

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